About Us

Living on Campus in the IST LLC


When at a big university like Penn State, it can be hard to find people who are in your major outside of the classroom.​ With the Information Sciences and Technology Living Learning Community, students are given the ability to live and interact with other students within the College of IST and in the residence halls. This helps connect students outside of the classroom and help forge new friendships. The IST LLC strives to create a unique living environment that fosters student interaction, both social and academic. We aim to enhance the awareness of information and technology by bringing residents of common interests together and advocating for a greater appreciation for the future of technology!


What is the IST LLC?

LLC stands for Living Learning Community. In an LLC, students can choose to live with other students who have the same academic and/or lifestyle choices. By being in an LLC students are able to build a unique living environment and community of like minded individuals at Penn State. As a member of the IST LLC, students will have the ability to attend events, such as floor dinners, movie nights, holiday parties, academic events, and much more! 

Video: Living in the LLC

The IST LLC has existed since 2005, when we were called the IST Special Living Option. This video is a great look at what life in the LLC is like!



Benefits of Living in the IST LLC

  • Guaranteed housing if you participate in LLC events
  • Returning members can select their own room, which is exclusive to LLC members!
  • Convenient location: close to the Westgate (IST) Building and many general education buildings
  • Large rooms with movable furniture, so you can configure your room however you wish
  • Close proximity to peers who have taken the same classes you will be taking and can offer help with assignments and studying
  • Opportunities to get to know fellow classmates who you will spend time with throughout your time in college
  • Have fun with fellow classmates, both academically and socially!